February 1870 — While attending Colgate University, 21-year old Junior Isaac Hill Munro (1848-1922) reportedly jumped in to save two skaters who had fallen through the ice into the chilly waters of a canal. The article excerpted below is written tongue-in-cheek and attributed by editors to a “devil.” See the original article in the Colgate Archives here.
“Two of those beings whose only object in life seems to be to get in the way of ladies and gentlemen who are skating, recently fell into the canal. All would have been well had not Mr. I. H. Munro, of the class of ’71, under the mistaken idea that perhaps the parents of these beings might be wealthy, and might mention him in their wills, plunged into the icy water and rescued them. Mr. M. deserves the highest reprobation from all those who have any sympathy for the skaters. (The above item was handed to us by a villainous ‘devil.’ Ed.)”
The Madisonensis – February 5, 1870
Photo: Isaac Hill Munro (1848-1922) in his early twenties cropped from the Squire Munro Project Digital Archives