I’m a Squire Munro Descendant

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I am descended from Squire Munro (1758-1835) who settled in Central New York in 1799. If you are related, please share this page with other family members and encourage them to participate in this project. We want to hear from everyone!

Project Description & Welcome

The Squire Munro Project is a genealogical research endeavor that carries on work originally begun at the first Munro Family reunion in Elbridge, NY in 1876.

The ultimate goal is to research, write and publish a comprehensive family history book on the ancestry, life and descendants of Squire Munro (Manro) (1758-1835) — and to maintain it indefinitely. To achieve this, and to establish a lasting legacy, many smaller research collection projects and goals are underway along with other efforts to unite the family and preserve our common heritage.

Surnames Invovled

This project is for anyone with a connect to Squire Munro regardless of your last name. While there are various spellings of ‘Munro’ found in the family — including Munro, Munroe, Monroe and Manro — this project also includes all families of daughters whose name changed when they married, including almost a thousand different names. Check for your name to see if you might have a connection.

Regional Considerations

Including spouses and adopted children, Squire Munro Descendants have been born, died or buried in many different countries across the globe.

Project Contributors

We have a small group of active contributors consisting of project managers and transcribers who are directly responsible for the recent progress we have made. Also, many individuals have contributed family history records and data to helps us confirm and fill in their branch of our collective family tree. See some of the people who have contributed to this project.

How to Get Involved

The Squire Munro Project is a collaboration of volunteers helping to preserve our common heritage. Some of the ways you can help are outlined here including:

  • Share this page with your family members and encourage them to contact us
  • Join our Facebook Group
  • Contribute your family history
  • Review our information about your branch of the family
  • Volunteer as a transcriber

See our Get Involved page for more details on these and other ways you can join our project.

Our Goals

This is a long term project with a number of lofty goals. Read more about our research, publishing and preservation goals.